Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Summer Time = Busy Time

Our fair time is fast approaching and the days are full.  The sheep are now slick looking, thanks to our wonderful sheep shearer.  They have to feel a lot cooler.

I am lobbying to change their names to black and white.  When we first got them, they were wooly and white and one was much bigger than the other.  So I called them the big one and the little one.  Then after the first shearing, we found they were the same size under all that wool but different colors.  Hence, now black and white.  I am all for the descriptive names.  We still call our cows by their ear tag numbers.

Unfortunately, our 'fox in the hen house' is back.  Fox being whatever animal is raiding the chicken coop.  Prior to the start of this blog, we had a raccoon that took out the entire meat pen chicken flock.  All 10 chicks, dwindling 1 or 2 a day till we had none.  Now, something else is out there getting the young hens.  We are trying to keep the last exhibition chicken alive and well till fair time.  This is not her, but maybe she should take some pointers.
And just because I finally got a decent picture of the guinea, here it is.  No idea if this is a girl or boy.  There is a sound difference to their call, but I could not tell you how to recognize it.

And now to our star attraction, Libertybelle.

I know the second picture is a little fuzzy, but she was not coming any closer and I had to use the zoom.  Still, each day I go back and forth on the color.  More red, not so much, just cannot make up my mind.  Need to get a color test done.

They thought I was coming to feed even though it was early afternoon.  Of course, you see where Liberty is with her mama.  Though this evening, she came up with the big girls for dinner time.  And wouldn't you know it, I left my camera at the house.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Calf color

More pictures of Libertybelle's first day.  She met the rest of the herd.  Maybe a bit overwhelming for a one day old.  After all, everyone else is much bigger.
If I close my eyes, will they all go away?
 Then to mama for some reassurance, cuddles, and kisses.

Lastly, dinner time.  Socializing with the family works up an appetite.

For my Dexter friends, I tried to show pictures of her eyes, nose, and hooves.  There does not seem to be any black rings/hairs.  Maybe/probably we have a color calf, just don't know which color.  So I tried to show some differences with the light and camera.  She looks red in the sun and dun in the shade/clouds.

Wow!  I really just thought we would have black calves and that would be that.  Shows what I know! :-)

Friday, July 5, 2013

Greetings to All

Hello.  This is the start.  Allow me to introduce you to the herd.

First, there is Annabelle the big boss.

 Oops, those are the little bosses. ;-)  Here is the BIG boss.

 Then, Bluebelle the shorty and Sambo's buddy and the first mama.

 Lastly, there is Clairabelle almost Annabelle's twin, just a tailset difference.

From Valentine's Day of 2012, when they arrived at the farm, till October break, that was all there was to see here at the farm, at least cow-wise.  Then the family took a little trip north.  Quick stop at the capitol to buy a livestock trailer.  After all, who bothers to take care of something like that, till on the drive up to pick up an animal.  After hopping over the state boarder and camping in the snow, sleet, and rain (in a tent, no less) on Lake Michigan, we arrive at 'the bull breeder' in our area.

And now....................
Meet Sambo, the bull.

268 days later from his arrival (I know, fast mover and we were concerned he had not done his job yet)!

Introducing, in her web debut,
